The Federal Regional Court of the 5th Region - TRF5 announced the Sustainable Logistics Plan of the Federal Justice of the 5th Region (PLS-JF5) for the triennium 2021-2023. The document, jointly developed by the Court and its respective Judicial Sections, is a strategic planning tool that establishes sustainability practices and rationalization of expenses and administrative processes.

    PLS-JF5 establishes guidelines for the performance of the 5th Region in the macro challenge "Promotion of sustainability", of the National Strategy of the Judiciary, bringing goals, action plans and indicators for monitoring sustainability management JF5. The document also sets the goal of at least 149 actions aimed at quality of life in the workplace during the 2021-2023 cycle.

    Focusing on sustainability, the Plan establishes specific goals to seek the rationalization of consumption and promote the efficiency of public spending. Among them, the reduction of the consumption of paper, disposable cups and bottled water and the reduction of expenses with printing, cleaning, electricity, water and sewage, among others. Pls-JF5 also foresees the search for better waste management, increasing the amount of metal, plastic, paper and glass destined for recycling.

    In the previous PLS-JF5, which was prepared following the guidelines of Resolution CNJ 201/2015 and was valid from 2015 to 2020, the TRF5 and its Sectionals formalized their respective plans independently. The current Plan, built on the basis of Resolution CNJ 400/2021, establishes goals for the entire 5th Region, due to the Sustainability Performance Index (IDS-CNJ), which allows the objective comparison between the Courts. Thus, congruent goals were set, which aim to converge to achieve the result of the entire 5th Region, respecting the singularity of the Sectionals.

    According to Full Resolution No. 15 of December 2, 2020, it is up to the Executive Group of the Sustainable Logistics Plan of the TRF5 and the Management and Executive Committees of the PLS of the Judicial Sections to keep updated the consumption data of the units, in relation to each of the topics addressed in the document, to monitor the performance of the targets.